1. Number Formatting Shortcuts2. Cell Selection Shortcuts3. COUNT Function4. True & False5. IF Function6. SUM Function7. Arrow Keys8. Wildcard Characters9. SUMIF Function10. SUMIFS Function11. SUM Functions Skill Summary12. SUMIF Practice13. SUMIFS Practice14. COUNTIF Function15. COUNTIFS Function16. COUNT Practice17. COUNT Skill Summary18. AND, OR, XOR Functions19. IS Functions20. IFS Function21. SWITCH Function22. Larger Cell Selections23. Row and Column Selections24. Cell Selection Shortcuts 225. Larger Cell Selections 226. Cell Selection Skill Summary27. VLOOKUP Function28. VLOOKUP Function 229. VLOOKUP Practice30. HLOOKUP FunctionIN PROGRESS31. HLOOKUP Function 232. XLOOKUP Function33. XLOOKUP Function 234. MATCH Function35. INDEX Function36. INDEX MATCH Lookup37. INDEX MATCH Practice38. Index Match Skill Summary39. LEN, LEFT, and RIGHT Functions40. MID Function41. LEN, LEFT, RIGHT, MID Practice42. FIND Function43. SEARCH Function44. Intro to Shortcuts45. Text Formatting Shortcuts46. Cut, Copy, Paste47. Data Shortcuts48. AVERAGE Function49. MIN, MAX, LARGE, SMALL Functions50. MIN, MAX, LARGE, SMALL Practice51. FLOOR & CEILING Functions52. DATE Function53. TODAY Function54. DATEDIF Function55. DAYS Function56. DATE Functions Skill Summary57. CONCAT Function58. TEXTJOIN Function59. UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER Functions60. SUBSTITUTE Function61. Pivot Tables 162. Pivot Tables 263. Table Filters64. Tables Skill Summary65. ODD and EVEN Functions66. Worksheets67. Conditional Formatting68. MEDIAN Function69. MODE Function

HLOOKUP Function


The HLOOKUP function in Excel is similar to VLOOKUP, but instead of searching a vertical list and returning a value from a corresponding column, it instead searches a horizontal list and returns a value from a corresponding row.
The first argument is the search value, the second argument is the range to search, the third argument is how many rows down to search from the lookup value, and the fourth argument is whether to use approximate match.
To get the value in the 3rd row where the value in the first row is "Clinton" we would write
=HLOOKUP("Clinton", A1:G3, 3, false)
What would this formula return?

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1President:TrumpObamaBush Jr.ClintonBush Sr.Reagan
2Year Elected:201620082000199219881980
3Years in Office:488848
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