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Excel VLOOKUP Function

The VLOOKUP Function in Excel stands for "vertical lookup" and is one of the most useful functions in Excel. It is a fast way to look up a value when your information is arranged in a table with rows and columns. The VLOOKUP function has four arguments (values in the function separated by commas) and because of this people often think VLOOKUP is complex. Once you try a few practice problems with VLOOKUP you'll see how simple it really is.

Syntax of the VLOOKUP Function

If your data is arranged in a table with rows and columns, the VLOOKUP function will tell you a value in one row if you know a different, corresponding value to the left in that same row (the VLOOKUP function only looks from left to right).

=VLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_range, column_number, [approximate_match])


This is the value that you know, which you will use to look up an unknown value in the table to the right.


This is the entire table, also called the lookup table or table array, that we are searching. It contains both the lookup_value and the value you are searching for.


The columns in your lookup_range table are numbered from left to right, starting with 1. The VLOOKUP function will locate the lookup_value in column 1 (far left) and return the value in the same row but in the column specified by column_number. Note that VLOOKUP only searches from left (starting in column 1) to right.


This is the only optional argument, though it's recommended that you specify it as false (it defaults to true) when you know the lookup_value. In our case we can say false or 0. The default value is true, so if you leave this blank, Excel will tell VLOOKUP will look for approximate matches, which we typically don't want except for special cases.

VLOOKUP Practice Exercises

Suppose we are tracking employee names and information in Excel, with Employee name, employee ID, and number of deals closed in the first column, second column, and third column, respectively. The following examples demonstrate how to write a VLOOKUP formula to retrieve the different types of data from this table.

VLOOKUP Examples

Say your boss asks you to use VLOOKUP to find Will's Employee ID. The value we know (lookup_value) in the first column is "Will Ferrell" and our lookup_range can be A:B, A:C, or A1:B6, etc. Employee name is column 1 in our lookup range, and we want Employee ID so we will specify 2 for column number. Finally, we know exactly how to spell our lookup value ("Will Ferrell") so we will specify false for approximate_match.

Double-click into cell E2 (column E, row 2), and type the following formula:

=VLOOKUP("Will Ferrell", A:B, 2, false)

This VLOOKUP formula will return the value 2323, which is in column 2 of our table array in the same row as the lookup value. Note that our lookup value, "Will Ferrell," goes inside quotes because it is text.

Now say your boss asks you to use a VLOOKUP formula to find out how many deals the employee with ID number 1234 has closed. This example is a little trickier because Employee ID will be our lookup value instead of Employee Name. Luckily, we don't even need to know Employee Name because Employee ID will serve as the lookup value. Recall that the lookup value needs to be in the first column of our lookup table, so we will need to specify B:C or B1:C6 as our lookup range.

=VLOOKUP(1234, B:C, 2, false)

This VLOOKUP formula will search column B from the top down until it finds 1234, then will look in column 2 (column C) of the lookup table in the same row to return a value of 3.

For our final example, say your boss asks you to find out how many deals Amy Adams has closed. You know that "Amy Adams" is the lookup value. Deals Closed is in the last column (column 3) so we will need all three columns in our table array.

=VLOOKUP("Amy Adams", A:C, 3, false)

This VLOOKUP formula will return a value of 5, because that is the value in the same row as "Amy Adams" but in the third column.

VLOOKUP Examples With Wildcard Matching

Excel lets you use the VLOOKUP function with wildcards. Note that this only works in exact matching mode, so your fourth argument (approximate_match) must be 0 or FALSE. Remember, you can't omit this argument because Excel defaults approximate_match to true. Also note that this only works for matching strings of text.

Wildcard matching in Excel is the ability to use characters which represent anything in a string of text. For example, say you know someone's first name but not their last name. You could find this person in an Excel spreadsheet by concatenating their first name with a wildcard character.

A question mark (?) replaces exactly one character in a string of text in Excel.

An asterisk (*) replaces any number of characters in a string of text in Excel.

To use a wildcard in Excel, you include an asterisk or question mark within the quotes in your string of text. It might look like this:

=VLOOKUP("My text*", A:C, 2, FALSE)

The VLOOKUP formula will then return the first value it finds where the lookup_value is text that begins with "My text". If our lookup_value was instead "*my text", then it would search for any text that ends with "my text" because the asterisk comes first.

Say we want to find the Employee ID of the employee whose first name is "Amy". Double-click into the example spreadsheet above and type this formula:

=VLOOKUP("Amy*", A:B, 2, FALSE)

This formula will return the ID number of the first employee in the table whose name starts with the text "Amy". Now suppose you want to find the ID of the employee whose middle initial is C. You can use wildcard at the beginning and end of the search string. In the example sheet above, type the following formula:

=VLOOKUP("*C.*", A:B, 2, FALSE)

This example formula will return the ID of the first employee who has "C." (with the period) anywhere in their name. Note that each asterisk wildcard might represent 0 characters, so this formula example would match on an employee simply named "John C." or "C. John."

Exact Match vs. Approximate Match

Excel lets you use VLOOKUP to search for an exact match or an approximate match, as determined by the fourth argument, which is optional. VLOOKUP defaults to approximate match, so if you omit the fourth argument, or if you include it as TRUE or 1, then VLOOKUP will use an approximate match.

If you include the fourth argument as 0 or FALSE, then VLOOKUP will use an exact match.

Exact matching makes sense when you're searching for an exact value, like Employee ID number in the examples above. If you don't match on the exact ID number, you may get the wrong employee!

If you're not sure whether the exact value appears in the list, you can use approximate match to find the value that matches best. If Excel does find an exact match, then it will match on that value. If it does not find an exact match, it will find the closest value to match.

If VLOOKUP is using an approximate match it will use an exact match if the exact value is available. If not, it will use the next smallest value, so if you're using an approximate match in Excel you need to make sure the first column is sorted from small to large, or alphabetically.


The VLOOKUP function in Excel is prone to errors because it has so many required arguments, and if any part of the formula is written incorrectly it will result in an error. Unfortunately, the error messages that Excel provides are not very helpful in diagnosing the problem. Read on to learn more about the different error messages you might see while writing a VLOOKUP formula in Excel and how to correct them.

VLOOKUP Function is Returning the #N/A! Error

The VLOOKUP function returns the #N/A! error when it is looking for an exact match (approximate_match is false) and it cannot locate the lookup_value. To fix this error, ensure that the lookup_value is spelled correctly in both the formula and the lookup table, and double check the defined lookup_range. Ensure that the lookup_value is in the left-most column of the lookup_range. Also ensure that the lookup_value is the same format in both the formula and in the lookup table; if a number is formatted as text in one of these places the VLOOKUP function will not consider them a match.

VLOOKUP Function is Returning the #REF! Error

The VLOOKUP function in Excel returns the #REF! error if the formula references a column that is not included in the lookup_range. To fix this issue, double check the lookup_range and count the number of columns included in the lookup table. Then double check the column_number argument (the 3rd argument of a VLOOKUP formula) and ensure that the number is not greater than the total number of columns in the lookup table. The column_number argument can be any number from 1 to the total number of columns in the lookup table.

VLOOKUP Function is Returning the #VALUE! Error

The VLOOKUP function returns the #VALUE! error if the column_number or approximate_match arguments are invalid values. To fix this issue, first double check the column_number argument and ensure that it is a number (greater than 0) and is not text, a negative number, or anything else. Next, double check the approximate_match argument and ensure that it is either omitted or is a valid boolean (true or false) value. It must either be the words "true" or "false" (without the quotation marks). Alternatively, in Excel, boolean values can be 1 for true and 0 for false. Any other values will be considered invalid.

VLOOKUP Function is Returning a Value I Do Not Expect

Is the VLOOKUP function returning a value you're not expecting, and you're not sure why? We've all been there. The first thing to check is that the fourth and final argument is set to false, provided that you know the exact value of the lookup_value. If the approximate_match argument is true or if it is left out of the formula, it will default to true and VLOOKUP will look for an approximate match, which can cause all kinds of unexpected problems.

The second thing to check is whether there are multiple instances of the first argument (the lookup_value) in the first column of the lookup table. If the lookup_value is listed more than once, the VLOOKUP function will simply match with the first one that it finds, which is whichever row is highest in the lookup table since VLOOKUP in Excel searches from top to bottom. So if VLOOKUP is returning an unexpected result but from the correct column, make sure that the lookup_value doesn't appear again higher up in the lookup table.

While you're checking for a second instance of the lookup_value, also note that when VLOOKUP matches with the lookup_value, it is NOT case sensitive. This means that, to the VLOOKUP function in Excel, "robert de niro" is the same as "Robert De Niro" and will treat them the same. So when you're checking that the lookup_value only exists once in the table, also check for the same value with different capitalization.