Change Text Case to Uppercase, Lowercase, and Proper Case in Excel

An Intro to the UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER Functions

We typically think of working with numbers in Excel, but we frequently also work with words and letters. And as someone who often manipulates different types of data knows, words are never quite in the case we need them to be. What happens when words are written in all uppercase, when we need them to be lowercase?

Excel offers a quick and easy way to change case so you can easily change text to uppercase, lowercase, and proper case (where each word begins with a capital letter, and the rest of the letter are lowercase). Below is a brief overview of the UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER functions in Excel as well as examples of how to use these functions to change the case of any text values you encounter in Excel.

Change Text to Uppercase in Excel With the UPPER Function

As the name implies, the UPPER function in Excel offers an easy way to change the case of text to complete uppercase. The UPPER function will capitalize every letter in its text argument.

Syntax of the UPPER Function


The text argument is just any text that you want to change the case to uppercase. All letters in the argument will change to capital letters.

Change Text to Lowercase in Excel With the LOWER Function

Just as the UPPER function changes text to uppercase, the LOWER function changes text to complete lowercase. The LOWER function will turn every letter in the text argument to lowercase.

Syntax of the LOWER Function


The text argument is just any text that you want to change the case to lowercase. All letters in the text argument will change to lowercase.

Change Text to Proper Case in Excel With the PROPER Function

The PROPER function in Excel capitalizes the first letter of each word and changes every other letter to lowercase, the way you would capitalize the spelling of a person's name. For example, the text "John C. Reilly" is written in proper case because the first letter of each word is upper, and the following letters in each word are lower.

Syntax of the PROPER Function


The text argument is just any text that you want to change to proper case.

Examples Using the UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER Functions to Change Case in Excel

The following are some examples of using UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER to change the case of text in Excel. Each of these functions is very simple and takes only one argument.

Changing Text to Uppercase Using the UPPER Function

1 wILL fErRelL
2 John C. Reilly
4 sacha baron cohen

To change the case of these names to uppercase, we would simply use the UPPER function.


This formula would return the string of text "WILL FERRELL". If we drag this formula down the list we will get the values "JOHN C. REILLY", "AMY ADAMS", and "SACHA BARON COHEN". The text in cell A3 does not change because it was already all uppercase. Notice that UPPER does not affect punctuation, as in the period in "John C. Reilly". UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER only affect letters.

Changing Text to Lowercase Using the LOWER Function

1 sTeVe CaRelL
3 Jenna Fischer
4 ed helms

To change the case of these names to lowercase in Excel we can use the LOWER function.


This formula would return the string of text "steve carell". Again, we can drag the formula down and apply the same logic to all the names in the list and we would get "craig robinson", "jenna fischer", and "ed helms". Again, notice that the text in A4 remains unchanged because it was already completely lowercase.

Changing Text to Proper Case Using the PROPER Function

1 seth rogen
2 jAmEs FRaNcO
4 Danny McBride

To change the case of this text to proper case, we use the PROPER function.


The formula above would return "Seth Rogen". If we apply this formula to the rest of the names in the list we get "James Franco", "Craig Robinson", and "Danny Mcbride". Note that due to rare exceptions in capitalization rules, proper case may not always capitalize a name correctly, as in the case of "Danny McBride."

Continue to UPPER, LOWER, & PROPER practice exercises!